Monday, August 27, 2012

All Free Stuff

Hello all, that could be my first blog ever, and I would like to focus on free tools for computer users. Free tools refer to free everything, start from Operating system and end up with a fine simple text editors.
Of course there is Linux with all release names and versions, it is free to use, install and even to develop and change the core if you master programming, that was for operating system. GIMP and Inkscape are two fantastic full fledged "in my own opinion" bitmap and vector graphic tools , photo editors and more. Open office is the fantastic combination of word processor, spread sheet, slide show presentation, and math equation editors.. :-) no database engine till now, whereas you can use any of the fantastic free mySQL engine.I would like to make this post short as I am not familiar with blogging yet, so I will finish this post talking about Internet Browsers, we have the fantastic Google tool which is called "Chrome" and its developer friend "Google Chrome Canary", Opera is one of the leading free Internet Browsers, as well as Mozilla Firefox, and one of the most fantastic tool that related to the same family, is SeaMonkey, I will never forget to mention Safari from Apple store, it is free, do not get surprized, Apple offers some free tools.
that was my first post!
I wish you find it useful, and I will be so happy to receive your feedback and comments "hate it or love it" :-).

same blog on: TumblrWordpress and posterous.

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